Our Research
Research & Publications
In diesem Bereich haben wir für Sie eine Übersicht der bisherigen Veröffentlichungen und Beiträge zusammengestellt.
Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften:
- Why do some banks contribute more to global systemic risk?, in: Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol. 35, 2018, S. 17-40 (mit Gregor N.F. Weiß). (VHB-Jourqual 3: A)
- What factors drive systemic risk in international financial crises?, in: Journal of Banking and Finance, 41. Jg., 2014, S. 78-96 (mit Gregor N.F. Weiß und Sascha Neumann). (VHB-Jourqual 3: A)
- Systemic risk and bank consolidation: International evidence, in: Journal of Banking and Finance, 40. Jg., 2014, S. 165-181 (mit Gregor N.F. Weiß und Sascha Neumann). (VHB-Jourqual 3: A)
- Best Paper in International Finance; Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA), 2012, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Working Paper:
- Bank Capital Requirements and Systemic Risk: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment (mit Felix Irresberger, Ragnar Juelsrud und Gregor N.F. Weiß).
(Revise & Resubmit Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA)).
- Innovating Banks and Local Lending (mit Gregor N.F. Weiß).
- TMT Heterogeneity and Firm Performance in Turbulent Environments: Evidence from the Financial Crisis. (mit Svenja-Marie Smolinski und Jost Sieweke).
- The Relationship of Banks’ Interconnectedness, Performance and Fragility (mit Tobias Smuda).
- Systemic risk, bank regulation, and deposit insurance around the world (mit Gregor N.F. Weiß und Matthias Pelster).
- Catastrophe bonds and systemic risk (mit Gregor N.F. Weiß und Felix Irresberger).
- Why do U.S. Banks Contribute More to Global Systemic Risk? (mit Gregor N.F. Weiß).
- Systemic risk and the U.S.-financial system – The role of banking activity.
- Best Paper in Financial Markets and Institutions; Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA), 2015; Houston, TX, USA.
- Outstanding Paper Award, Southern Finance Association (SFA), 2014, Key West, FL, USA.
Aktuelle Konferenzvorträge:
- Southern Finance Association 2019 Annual Meetings, Orlando, USA, 20. November - 23. November 2019.
- Southern Finance Association Annual Meetings (SFA), Asheville, NC, USA, 14.-17. November 2018.*
- World Finance Conference, Dubai, UAE, Houston, USA, 14-15. Dezember 2016.
- Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meetings (SWFA), Houston, USA, 11.-15. März 2015.
- Southern Finance Association Annual Meetings (SFA), Key West, USA, 19.-22. November 2014.
- European Financial Management Association (EFMA), Rom, Italien, 25.-28. Juni 2014.
- 11th International Paris Finance Meeting, Paris, Frankreich, 19. Dezember 2013.
- 5th Financial Risks 19th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF), Hannover, Deutschland, 4. -6. Oktober 2012.
- Southwestern Finance Association 2012 Annual Meetings, New Orleans, USA, 28. Februar - 3. März 2012.
- Midwest Finance Association 2012 Annual Meetings, New Orleans, USA, 22.-25. Februar 2012.
* accepted, but not presented.